Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Savanah! Unfortunatley the lions rule most of these plains.
Welcome to the Savanah! Unfortunatley the lions rule most of these plains.
Win message:
Woah! Did you just get abtucted by an alien?!
Woah! Did you just get abtucted by an alien?!
Lose message:
Looks like the lions bested you.
Looks like the lions bested you.
ACT 1 : Eating Time!
The Pack needs food.
The Pack needs food.
ACT 2 : The Pride
Those Lions keep stealing your kills! Lets teach them a lesson.
Those Lions keep stealing your kills! Lets teach them a lesson.
ACT 3 : Good job! Time to rest.
Finally peace and quiet around here.
Finally peace and quiet around here.
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