Spec Ops-Invincible / Analysis

By RHampson
09/30/2012 - 20:38:24

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Some times the Tank will make a wrong move or gets stuck in the road. If this happans you will have to restart...sry.You have confirmation of Kahn's location in the city, prepare to fight!
Win message:
You found the abort codes on Kahn, and aborted the nukes, so the USA is safe!
ACT 1 :   The Long Hike
You just got government confirmation to cross the border! move it! The tank will eventually get to a checkpoint, when you get there, talk to the customs officer. Don't fall off the tank.
ACT 2 :   Invincible
Go get hte crew of the Invincible! Once again, don't fall off the tank.
ACT 3 :   The Epics
The rebels are making their last stand in the palaca sqaure! Kahn isn't a coward, he'll fight to the death! Finish them!
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