Lost in nothingness / Analysis
By wiljo
09/25/2012 - 18:50:48
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
What in the name of the stars is this?... You were sleeping but... This does not feel like a dream... It feels very... Real, yet empty...
What in the name of the stars is this?... You were sleeping but... This does not feel like a dream... It feels very... Real, yet empty...
Win message:
It is hard to tell what was more disturbing... The fact that it felt as if the whole realm would have watched you... or that this... "'god"' said that you had already been here before...
It is hard to tell what was more disturbing... The fact that it felt as if the whole realm would have watched you... or that this... "'god"' said that you had already been here before...
Lose message:
Allow the void... to consume your soul... and enter your heart...
Allow the void... to consume your soul... and enter your heart...
ACT 1 : Gaze upon the nothingness
What is this place? How did you end in here? Something is not right...
What is this place? How did you end in here? Something is not right...
ACT 2 : A strange deed...
No answers... Perhaps you should do as you were told... something in this place does not seem right...
No answers... Perhaps you should do as you were told... something in this place does not seem right...
ACT 3 : A rip in nothingness...
A nexus?... A rift?... Something here is very wrong... But you need answers to all this!
A nexus?... A rift?... Something here is very wrong... But you need answers to all this!
ACT 4 : Letting go of the void...
Well... that was... easy?... There must be something more to this realm. It feels as if the dark would be holding you tightly. You possibly should have a chat with your godly friend.
Well... that was... easy?... There must be something more to this realm. It feels as if the dark would be holding you tightly. You possibly should have a chat with your godly friend.
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