No beauty nap / Analysis

By Ansje
09/24/2012 - 11:08:04

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The communication scanner of your spaceship has detected some vague stress signals. You are beamed down to investigate...
Win message:
Congratz: you survived Granny's horror stories! Thanks for playing this GA, hopefully you had some fun with it :)
Lose message:
Aww... you died... in a fairytale of Grimm. Maybe better try again!
ACT 1 :   Meet Granny o'Grimm

ACT 2 :   Sucked into the book

ACT 3 :   Princess Beauty's place

ACT 4 :   Say hello to the Princess!

ACT 5 :   Enter the castle!

ACT 6 :   What happened to the forest?

ACT 7 :   Cleaning up the mess

ACT 8 :   Epilogue

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