The Sands of Despair v2 / Analysis

By MeteorFlash45
08/08/2012 - 18:45:31

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
An old surveillance satellite? This wasn't in the job description. I'd better find out what's going on...
Win message:
The Phodoxions may be a shady group of characters, but they pay quite handsomely! Wait...didn't Draxon say somthing about beaming up and down on this planet?
Lose message:
What an unfortunate fate! At least your corpse will be nicely perserved in a warm bed of sand....
ACT 1 :   Briefing

ACT 2 :   Through the Shifting Sands
Search the desert and try to find a way into the downed space vessel. Once inside, find a communications uplink (if there are still working) and contact Draxon.
ACT 3 :   A Tragic Discovery
Return to the uplink and tell Draxon what happened to his scientists.
ACT 4 :   

ACT 5 :   Confrontations
What was THAT?!? I have to get to the bottom of This! Wait...what's that?
ACT 6 :   The Belly of the Beast
The creature must be destroyed! But how?
ACT 7 :   Collapse
The Hydra is sinking into the sand forever! I've got to get out or I'll be trapped here with this beast for the rest of my life!!!
ACT 8 :   

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