Sherm's Warped Journey ACT 1 / Analysis

By Shocktoad
07/30/2012 - 01:23:24

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.83 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Once a...eh you get the point, anyway, Sherm woke up to a cold, yet happy morning, his road is awfully slippery, and it seems that Mr. Xezlk is having trouble driving on this cool morning...
Win message:
To be Continued...
Lose message:
To be Continued?...
ACT 1 :   Average Day...
BURR, what a cold morning I have today...hey, look! It's Mr. Xezlk! HELLO MR. XEZLK!
ACT 2 :   Mail...
Oh, um, ohhh...uh, b...bye Mr. Xezlk...heh heh...*sigh*, let's check the mail...
ACT 3 :   Opened Mailbox
Anymore Strange Liquid bills?
ACT 4 :   Inzurg Attack!
Ahh! HELP HELP HELP...Inzurg! Rabit Inzurg! Ach! Somebody help me!....OUCH, my legs! I need those!
ACT 5 :   Dougal!
Dougal! Oh thank sparklebrook it's you!
ACT 6 :   Cold Run.
~Run Course~I must reach my nearest neighbor! I don't neccesarly live close to anyone, so this 'walk' may be longer than you would expect...
ACT 7 :   Robert, the Quazinar
Robert, heh, Robert, heh, just a funny and generic name...Robert...
A Map, perhaps?
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