Batzu Meteors / Analysis

By mario91100
06/18/2012 - 23:34:48

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
A meteor shower is happening! Run for your life and attempt to stay alive!
Win message:
You survived the shower and will be relocated to another planet! Nice job!
Lose message:
You were violentley killed, owned or "'pwn't"' py a metor that was destined to kill you. Sorry.
ACT 1 :   Wave 1
Not many meteors, just 10. Each wave lasts over 45 sconds
ACT 2 :   Wave 2
20 meteors. It shouldn't be too hard.
ACT 3 :   Wave 3
30 meteors. Kinda hard, but arguably so.
ACT 4 :   Wave 4
10 giant meteors. Get outta the way!
ACT 5 :   Wave 5
Uhh... 5 exploding meteors? Huh! WARNING: INSTANT KILL!
ACT 6 :   Wave 6
1 Apocalyptic meteor. RUN. FROM. THE. CENTER. NOW!
ACT 7 :   Wave 7
What!? You survived!? Fine, have it you way. UNLEASH THE METEOR APCOLYPSE!.. after a 60 second break. (BTW: Everything is revived)
ACT 8 :   Wave 8
This is it. You are so dead now. Completley unknown amount of meteors, that should finish you.
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