Marooned / Analysis

By mastercreator1
06/09/2012 - 23:22:49
Type: Collect adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
A distress signal was picked up just as you were on your way to a very unimportant and rather boring mission. May as well see what you can do, right?
A distress signal was picked up just as you were on your way to a very unimportant and rather boring mission. May as well see what you can do, right?
Win message:
A word of wisdom: for every good spaceship driver there are three bad ones. He can handle himself.
A word of wisdom: for every good spaceship driver there are three bad ones. He can handle himself.
Lose message:
Wait, you failed? But, what will Captain Metero do now? Probably starve. Or freeze to death.
Wait, you failed? But, what will Captain Metero do now? Probably starve. Or freeze to death.
ACT 1 : Craters O' Plenty
Hmm... this planet isn't the typical T-3 type planet you're used to getting distress signals from. Better find the source.
Hmm... this planet isn't the typical T-3 type planet you're used to getting distress signals from. Better find the source.
ACT 2 : Sob Story
A long story is something you have time for. Get that information, Captain!
A long story is something you have time for. Get that information, Captain!
ACT 3 : Feeling Empathy
Poor alien. Why don't you see what you can do to help?
Poor alien. Why don't you see what you can do to help?
ACT 4 : Searching for Metals
Find some encritonium to bring back to Captain Metero.
Find some encritonium to bring back to Captain Metero.
ACT 5 : Onward and Outward
Good, now bring it back to Captain Metero.
Good, now bring it back to Captain Metero.
ACT 6 : Fuel for the Needy
Find that philicite!
Find that philicite!
ACT 7 : Finished?
ACT 8 : The Unexpected
What the xvak is that! An asteroid?
What the xvak is that! An asteroid?
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