Shrine of the Forgotten (Fixed) / Analysis

By Bonja
05/26/2012 - 17:10:43

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
There are plenty of hints and pieces of information hidden for those that look around and examine everything they encounter.
Win message:
Thank you for playing this adventure. Please take your points, feel free to rate or comment. I will soon release part 4 of this series called - The Forgotten Colony. Stay tuned....
Lose message:
What went wrong here, did the Breed kill you. Sorry for that, better luck next time. Now the points go up again, thank you for trying this adventure. Feel free to rate or comment, need help?
ACT 1 :   - talk to the Guardian
What happend here? Someone has killed your contact. How will you get into the Shrine now?
ACT 2 :   - kill the Breed Golem
Defend yourself, don't let the Golem kill you! Prove yourself worthy to enter the Shrine of the Forgotten.
ACT 3 :   - explore the Shrine
Hurry, the Guardian has opened the door for you, enter the Shrine of the Forgotten.
ACT 4 :   - find the Breed intruders
Explore the Shrine, find a way to get to the next sector.
ACT 5 :   - use the Red key
Find the rest of the Breed intruders and kill them.
ACT 6 :   - explore the rest of the Shrine
The door is open, use it and find the last of the Breed intruders.
ACT 7 :   - Kill the Golem
Help the Priest guards to defeat the Golem.
ACT 8 :   - the moment of truth
Almost done here. Find the exit and collect your reward.
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