Dragon Valley / Analysis
By shiningdawn04
05/01/2012 - 14:55:47
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Hello you just entered the wierd talking dragon valley!
Hello you just entered the wierd talking dragon valley!
Win message:
You made friends with dragons!Yay!
You made friends with dragons!Yay!
Lose message:
You lost thats a shame.wah wah wah!
You lost thats a shame.wah wah wah!
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 :
ACT 6 :
ACT 7 :
Talk to egg for adoption
Talk to egg for adoption
ACT 8 :
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