Expedetion everest / Analysis

By supergampy
03/10/2012 - 13:28:43

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welll it's time to save this barren run down land from the yeti! I don't even think it's true though...
Win message:
Well you helped them make money by risking your life. At least you get a free yak!
Lose message:
"'YOU RUINED MY LIFE!"' says the village man.
ACT 1 :   Chatt'in around
Lets see what we'll need to expect on are journy and set of.
ACT 2 :   Find the camp
Try to find thier friend at the camp and see what is going on...
ACT 3 :   Dusk
Get to the tent and try to survive the night.Quickly!
ACT 4 :   I'm back!
The yeti make no sudden movements...I can see his feet but only his feet...
ACT 5 :   That was close
Whew... he really wanted a yak! Now I must find the cave... qiuckly....watch out for wolves...
ACT 6 :   The yeti is that cave.
I can hear him! You must go and save the town!
ACT 7 :   Battle time!
Destroy that yeti once and for all!
ACT 8 :   Victory!
Return to the city and recive your riches from doing this great deed!
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