Expedetion everest / Analysis

By supergampy
03/10/2012 - 13:28:43
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welll it's time to save this barren run down land from the yeti! I don't even think it's true though...
Welll it's time to save this barren run down land from the yeti! I don't even think it's true though...
Win message:
Well you helped them make money by risking your life. At least you get a free yak!
Well you helped them make money by risking your life. At least you get a free yak!
Lose message:
"'YOU RUINED MY LIFE!"' says the village man.
"'YOU RUINED MY LIFE!"' says the village man.
ACT 1 : Chatt'in around
Lets see what we'll need to expect on are journy and set of.
Lets see what we'll need to expect on are journy and set of.
ACT 2 : Find the camp
Try to find thier friend at the camp and see what is going on...
Try to find thier friend at the camp and see what is going on...
ACT 3 : Dusk
Get to the tent and try to survive the night.Quickly!
Get to the tent and try to survive the night.Quickly!
ACT 4 : I'm back!
The yeti make no sudden movements...I can see his feet but only his feet...
The yeti make no sudden movements...I can see his feet but only his feet...
ACT 5 : That was close
Whew... he really wanted a yak! Now I must find the cave... qiuckly....watch out for wolves...
Whew... he really wanted a yak! Now I must find the cave... qiuckly....watch out for wolves...
ACT 6 : The yeti is that cave.
I can hear him! You must go and save the town!
I can hear him! You must go and save the town!
ACT 7 : Battle time!
Destroy that yeti once and for all!
Destroy that yeti once and for all!
ACT 8 : Victory!
Return to the city and recive your riches from doing this great deed!
Return to the city and recive your riches from doing this great deed!
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