abandonded water town / Analysis

By trevor10
02/13/2012 - 00:37:03

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
get that weapon to the trader now or face the consequences of adorable but savage kittens>"':Dhint run through the course several times and look around alot to find things that you couldn't find
Win message:
you win big woop •_•
Lose message:
you fail!
ACT 1 :   get the blizzard missle to trade

ACT 2 :   find 2 sacks of gold to complete

ACT 3 :   kill the sea monsters

ACT 4 :   bomb chaser

ACT 5 :   give the misslin a shroom

ACT 6 :   go get a flower

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