Defiance XIX, Pt 1 / Analysis

By hazash
01/31/2012 - 19:36:24

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Day Six: Hour 03.Denom-Outskirts of Monora City-Shykk's ranger platoon-Four days before Protoshield Reactivation-Objective: Find Hargos.
Win message:
Seeing how easy it seemed for Hargos to find Ipslis, you hope it turns out that way for you too...
Lose message:
Mission Failed.
ACT 1 :   The Highway
The Allies are winning against the Horatious forces, but that doesn't guarantee Hargos' safety. Reach him quick before something happens.
ACT 2 :   Hargos

ACT 3 :   Clear The Area

ACT 4 :   Horatious Neutralised

ACT 5 :   On The Trail

ACT 6 :   Catch Him!
Stop Ipslis from escaping. You don't know why he is, but you have to help Hargos!
ACT 7 :   He's Gone...

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