Defiance XVII, Pt 2 / Analysis

By hazash
01/26/2012 - 17:17:40

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Day Three: Hour 09.Hargos-Beneath Monora City-Former Defence Agency-Seven days before Protoshield Reactivation-Objective: Escape the misguided Mercenaries!
Win message:
Head to Karmo, Denom and Krik to assist. It's not like you can do much, but there's a chance that Ipslis could be there.(Sorry for this being short. I hit the complexity limit.)
Lose message:
Mission Failed.
ACT 1 :   Hopeless

ACT 2 :   Interruption
That explosion saved you from the Mercenaries! It must have been from the surface. Just get out before it kills you too!
ACT 3 :   Keep Swimming!
Swim to the surface and mind the obstacles!
ACT 4 :   No Surprise
It was the fighting on the surface that caused it!
ACT 5 :   Assistance

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