Defiance XVI, Pt 2 / Analysis

By hazash
01/24/2012 - 19:24:34

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Day Two: Hour 07.Karmo-One km. East of Monora-Shykk's Ranger Platoon-Eight days before Protoshield Reactivation-Objective: Reach the Protoshield before the Horatious do...
Win message:
Even as your cloaker is disengaged, the Horatious begin to head towards the city from first sight of you.
Lose message:
Mission Failed.
ACT 1 :    The Cloaker

ACT 2 :   Stealth
Proceed through the area until you reach the outpost...
ACT 3 :   Assassination

ACT 4 :   Behold, The City

ACT 5 :   The Protoshield

ACT 6 :   Revenants
Ranger: Don't engage. They haven't spotted us... or have they?
ACT 7 :   Sabotage
They could see you somehow! Hold them off until they go away!
ACT 8 :   The Horatious

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