Defiance XIV, Pt 2 / Analysis
By hazash
01/12/2012 - 19:41:36
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Lerkus, the new leader of the Trinnants, has come to take the Protoshield from you. You must stop him!
Lerkus, the new leader of the Trinnants, has come to take the Protoshield from you. You must stop him!
Win message:
Continued in XIV, Pt. 3...
Continued in XIV, Pt. 3...
Lose message:
Mission Failed.
Mission Failed.
ACT 1 : The Stand Off
ACT 2 : Defend The Protoshield!
ACT 3 : Lerkus
ACT 4 : Repulsion
NOTE: make sure you stand directly behind Anneka and stay there.
NOTE: make sure you stand directly behind Anneka and stay there.
ACT 5 : Anneka
ACT 6 : Sacrifice
ACT 7 : No!
ACT 8 : Another Loss. Another Shadow.
NOTE: If Lerkus doesn't disappear, it's a glitch.
NOTE: If Lerkus doesn't disappear, it's a glitch.
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