Kael Raffar origins 3 / Analysis

By Cannusking
12/13/2011 - 01:22:24

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The Cannus armed forces is giving fire support to the Intergalactic federation, give this stealth squad support and fire power with your new super alien strentgh and to destroy the rebellion.
Win message:
Mission Completeyou have saved the IGF and the Cannus armed forces in this mega battle please more origin stories are to come, but their not about kael they are about the other characters
Lose message:
you have lost the great battle,try againMISSION FAILURE
ACT 1 :   Operation: cold front
Speak to the colonel for the breifing
ACT 2 :   Attack!
attacking this armory will give your troops a field advantage, use this asset as soon as possible!!
ACT 3 :   Get to the tunnel!

ACT 4 :   Infiltration
Kill the Commanding Officer and his guard, so you can shut down the cannon
ACT 5 :   Its a trap!!
get to the exit before the exsplosion sets off and try to fight off the rebels while your at it.
ACT 6 :   

ACT 7 :   victory for dogs!!
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