Storm Warden / Analysis

By Scorpio314
12/02/2011 - 05:00:29

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.88 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Another day, another desert. The Scorpion expanse is the windiest place on this remote planet. It's strategic position next to the lush Aeonis jungle is the only reason anyone lives here.
Win message:
No time for dancing! The base is being overrun. Beam up!
Lose message:
Your body and those of your comrades are buried beneath the slowly spreading infection. With modern technology, your bodies may eventually be reanimated, but this is unlikely at best.
ACT 1 :   Portents Gather
The winds brush your hide, keeping you cool despite the blazing sun. A trio of figures in full battle armor look at you expectantly. These must be your comrades for the upcoming mission.
ACT 2 :   We are leaving town!
'First goal: Get our worker caravan to the starport. The dust storms accumulate in our little crater. This is ordinarily a good defense but...meh. It shouldn't reduce visibility *too* badly."'
ACT 3 :   In the Clear
"'The AD turrets at the fort up ahead are my outermost line of defense! They can help take out enemies, but after you move on you'll be on your own! Good 'luck'!"'
ACT 4 :   Stalemate
"'Oh Spode... Look at that! It's a monster! Of course, they're all monsters, but this one really takes the cake!"'
ACT 5 :   Booby Trap the Stalemate Button!
"'OH! Really? These are my elite forces, the Guardians. I thought they had all died but they must have remained dormant without me noticing..."'
ACT 6 :   Manifest Destiny
"'The next area is too flooded for the transport to pass. I trust you know how to swim? The workers do, and you don't want to be upstaged by such simple creatures, now do you?"'
ACT 7 :   Standoff
Excellent! Turns out you don't need to return. Derrek and I have been working on..something. You'll see in a minute. Just hold out long enough and we'll be there shortly!
ACT 8 :   Extraction
See? Told you we'd have something! This baby was found deep under my castle. Patched 'er up and here we are! Get to the extraction point, quickly! We already got the workers beamed up.
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