Cannus army Simulator / Analysis

By Cannusking
11/30/2011 - 00:27:30

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.39 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Preparing data, intializing AI combat tactics, READY,SET,COMMENCE!
Win message:
Congratulations, you are accepted in Royal Cannus Armed forces, for completing this training you have every right to do so again.MISSION COMPLETE
Lose message:
MISSION FAILEDYou have failed expectations to join the RCA, you may try again
ACT 1 :   infected
The infected are creatures who have been injected by an unknown virus, exterminate them to proceed.
ACT 2 :   survive
Merc pilots have been inserted in these.....contraptions, bust em up.
ACT 3 :   destroy
the sir stabbalot have sent in their best gladiators, quickly they must be silenced
ACT 4 :   defend
Lord tarthimus has sent an errand boy to give you mail, but he got mixed up in the fight, defend him please, we don't wanna get sue'd
ACT 5 :   Finale
Defeat these swordsmen and you'll win
ACT 6 :   Victory
you did it, victory for you're simulator.
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