Strong Hold / Analysis

By berrycreator
10/28/2011 - 17:53:06
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
you have travled to the Strong Hold to help in its defence...
you have travled to the Strong Hold to help in its defence...
Win message:
you have won the day!
you have won the day!
Lose message:
to bad
to bad
ACT 1 : welcome
talk to the steward
talk to the steward
ACT 2 : to the mine!
go talk to the foreman. go out the gate and go on the gray brick road (we need that gold!)
go talk to the foreman. go out the gate and go on the gray brick road (we need that gold!)
ACT 3 : uh-oh....
ACT 4 : work done!
go report to the steward
go report to the steward
ACT 5 : to arms!
get ready for a fight!
get ready for a fight!
ACT 6 : And the rivers run red!!
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