Super Sherm Episode 1 / Analysis

By Shocktoad
10/25/2011 - 03:23:59

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Today is an average day, or so we think, be vigilent Super Sherm!
Win message:
You saved New Digrocoen City! You saved their souls from Corgor's wrath! But killing Corgor is not the only evil coming, there will be in fact more villains to take care of!
Lose message:
Well, you were the only hope for New Digrocoen City! And now Corgor is going to pillage this peacefull place to the ground now!
ACT 1 :   Talk to the Mayor
The Mayor wishes to speak with you, Super Sherm.
ACT 2 :   What the? A VILLAIN!
A villain finnally rises! Lets see what threat is here today! HURRY!
ACT 3 :   Destroy the tank!
Destroy the tank!!!
ACT 4 :   Talk to Corgor!
Talk to this underground slim!
ACT 5 :   Kill Corgor!
Time to show who he is messing with!!!
ACT 6 :   Corgor is dead!
Yeah!!! Corgor is dead! Go talk to the mayor!
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