Golden Eagle Search Part 2 / Analysis

By 68evolution
10/06/2011 - 17:33:37

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The last Temple was a fake, lets hope this one isn't!
Win message:
Not yet, not yet... You still havn't found the Golden Eagle Statue! Another fake Temple...
Lose message:
The Guarding here is very strong. Try another tactic next time, if you want to!
ACT 1 :   Crater World!
On the hunt for the Golden Eagle Statue still! Yep! You are sure it is here this time though!
ACT 2 :   Cars are Guards
GUARDS!!! Kill all of the cars to get past, They're very weak, they should be stronger...
ACT 3 :   Defence Line!
Oh no! You've defeated their cars and Guards have appeared, it looks like their lined up!
ACT 4 :   Wall!
How are you going to get past? Well, yes if you have wings you could fly round but there is another way,that your ment to go!
ACT 5 :   The key!
The key has to be here somewhere, but where? Look for it!
ACT 6 :   Back to the Temple...
Back to the Temple you go! Maybe you can enter now!
ACT 7 :   In you go...
Enter! Oh no...
ACT 8 :   

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