space stage part 1 / Analysis

By berrycreator
10/05/2011 - 21:43:36

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
this colony was takein over by the evil troopers! help the colonists take back there home!
Win message:
you have won!! where will the next battle be?
Lose message:
you have lost.
ACT 1 :   report!
go talk to the colonist
ACT 2 :   ATTACK!!
GO!! GO!!
ACT 3 :   BOO YA!
you won!
ACT 4 :   finder
find the gems.....look over by the hills to the east
ACT 5 :   good work!
nice! head back to the base
ACT 6 :   yes!
report and get some rest
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