the hunt / Analysis

By berrycreator
10/05/2011 - 15:14:10
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
go on a hunt for a chasmfiend!
go on a hunt for a chasmfiend!
Win message:
you have won! with the gem hreat you will be rich!
you have won! with the gem hreat you will be rich!
Lose message:
you have lost.
you have lost.
ACT 1 : the hunt
go talk to the Brightlord
go talk to the Brightlord
ACT 2 : uh-oh
i think the chasmfiend is closer then we think! KILL IT!!!
i think the chasmfiend is closer then we think! KILL IT!!!
ACT 3 : over
go talk to the Brightlord
go talk to the Brightlord
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