Spore at Sea 2-2 / Analysis

By MetaGamesInc
09/26/2011 - 22:35:41

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Now shoving off Rudder Isle, our heroes prepare their long and cold journey inot the Southern Sea.
Win message:
As our heroes descend into the caverns, they wonder how close Huramarque is to them. Surely with his goons attacking, he isn't far.
Lose message:
The Goons bested you. Please try again.
ACT 1 :   Here we go.
Out on the open seas again. Hopefully we won't run into any pirates along the way.
ACT 2 :   Hm?
This seems to be the town that's dominant here. Let's talk to the mayor and see what we can learn about the Ice Caverns, our next destination.
ACT 3 :   Uh...
Guess they knew about us. There's got to be a way up to the Ice Caverns. Maybe that long pathway...
ACT 4 :   Ambush!
It's Huramarque's goons! Get them, they can't enter the Caverns!
ACT 5 :   That was close.
I'm still getting used to the water bursts used as teleports. Odd...
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