Spore at Sea 1-3 / Analysis

By MetaGamesInc
09/25/2011 - 19:47:42

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
With the Map in hand, we head to the ancient Water pyramid in search of more treasure. What awaits us now?
Win message:
Part III Complete!Our heroes, after discovering what Huramarque is up to, now embark on a quest much greater than they originally planned. Will they be able to stop Huramarque in time?
Lose message:
Looks like Huramarque's pirates killed you in battle. Don't give up, give it another try!
ACT 1 :   Let's be off.
The Map is ours. Now, let's be off to the Ancient pyramid.
ACT 2 :   On the Open sea
The sea is unusually calm today... Perhaps it's some kind of good luck omen. But let's not jump to conclusions...
ACT 3 :   Uh oh.
Pirates! No doubt they're after the treasure too. Destroy their ships!
ACT 4 :   Enter The Pyramid.
It's time to get to the bottom of this. Head inside the pyramid, and find out who's behind this.
ACT 5 :   Stop him!
Huramarque must be stopped before he opens the door! Get him!
ACT 6 :   What the-
W-what just happened? Where's Huramarque?
ACT 7 :   Let's go.
With this new information, we should head back to the ship and sail to the next temple.
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