Battle of the mechs / Analysis

By berrycreator
09/19/2011 - 22:02:21

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
thay are comeing!!! time to fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Win message:
yes! you killed them all!! good work!
Lose message:
you lost. the planet was takein
ACT 1 :   #1 wave
thay have sent some wild things!! fight them off!!
ACT 2 :   #2 wave
slave troops in bound!
ACT 3 :   #3 wave
we have full troops in bound!!
ACT 4 :   #4 wave
elite troops in bound!!...oh crap thay got tanks!!
ACT 5 :   last wave
the last one...whats that sound?
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