Basic info
Intro message:
You crashed.Whoopdee freakin' doo
You crashed.Whoopdee freakin' doo
Win message:
You have been rescued!...But your ship is still destroyed...
You have been rescued!...But your ship is still destroyed...
Lose message:
Game Over
Game Over
ACT 1 : Oww, my Head...
Man I've got a headache.... Go find something....
Man I've got a headache.... Go find something....
ACT 2 : Murk
Hmm, that was odd.
Hmm, that was odd.
ACT 3 : Tunnels of Horror
Speak with Malkai and perform the given task.
Speak with Malkai and perform the given task.
ACT 4 : Guns
Speak with Malkai and search for armaments.
Speak with Malkai and search for armaments.
ACT 5 : Assembly
Wait for him to assemble the gun.
Wait for him to assemble the gun.
ACT 6 : Whoa
That is a large gun.And if ANYONE makes a joke, I will DESTROY YOU!
That is a large gun.And if ANYONE makes a joke, I will DESTROY YOU!
ACT 7 : To Serve and Protect
Defend Malkai while he sends out distress calls.
Defend Malkai while he sends out distress calls.
ACT 8 : Huzzah!
We are rescued!
We are rescued!
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