Basic info
Intro message:
You've been called down to help with a top secret mission... Though by the letter's tone it didn't sound good...
You've been called down to help with a top secret mission... Though by the letter's tone it didn't sound good...
Win message:
Your concionce should be cleared, always try to find out more about the mission you're about to do instead of jumping hea first into
Your concionce should be cleared, always try to find out more about the mission you're about to do instead of jumping hea first into
Lose message:
Sometimes rebelion is unwise...
Sometimes rebelion is unwise...
ACT 1 : Talk to the Cheif
ACT 2 : Mount Up, We're at War!
ACT 3 : Pillage and Loot
ACT 4 : Pearl Harbor
ACT 5 : Wait a Minute...
These are mostly civilians... Who's the real bad guys here?
These are mostly civilians... Who's the real bad guys here?
ACT 6 : Rebelian
ACT 7 : Down With the Cheif!
ACT 8 : Time to Leave Hell
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