The Steba's fall / Analysis

07/23/2011 - 21:45:34

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Go in there and slaughter the Stebas.
Win message:
You start to fly the ship home.
Lose message:
All the keys are in front of the doors. Except for the wood one with the mist. That's around the corner. A key to the box in the throne room is in front of it.
ACT 1 :   Infected!
Those Stebas are infected! Luckily you have had your shots...
ACT 2 :   Kill him and leave!
The antibodies from your shots probably won't work on this new strain!
ACT 3 :   Fraggit!
Kill it!!
ACT 4 :   Now what?
You have succeded, but you are stuck here. Salvage some stuff from the wreakage and try to make a signal on the top of that tower.
ACT 5 :   Good!
Octo ships will be here in no time!
ACT 6 :   Yes!
You are rescued!
ACT 7 :   No!
You are dead!
ACT 8 :   Yes!
You are alive!
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