Hunted VIII, Showdown / Analysis

By masejobe
07/23/2011 - 20:05:12

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
The war is over, and the threat Nethros and his army posed has been neutralized. But many loose ends remain...Thanks for playing! Please rate and comment!
Lose message:
Try again, or tackle it later! If there was a bug, please alert me of it! Too hard? Stop running straight into the enemies! Shoot them from maximum range!
ACT 1 :   Climate Change
What have the Zealots done to this planet?
ACT 2 :   "'Ouch."'
The hover disc started smoking, and loses altitude until it crashes hard on the ground. You nearly crashed into the lava. Better keep on moving!
ACT 3 :   Thunderstorms?
That ship seems to be hiding itslf with thunderstorms and a cloaking device... Defend Rei'tana!
ACT 4 :   The Redemption

ACT 5 :   Shields Down
Rei'tana and Naiasha have sealed the door and are waiting on the top level.[Stay where the arrow tells you and talk to Rei'tana.]
ACT 6 :   Nethros
ACT 7 :   "'NO!"'
Rei'tana sacrificed himself to destroy the Redemption, along with Nethros. Yet the battle continues, and there's still much to do!
ACT 8 :   Aldarius!

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