Star Wars- The new Death Star / Analysis

By GarethE
06/25/2011 - 10:12:14

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Battle with the rebels against the Empire and destroy the Death Star. (Muhahahahaaaa)
Win message:
You saved the galaxy. Jedi master YODA would say now states: "' You have done well."' Excuse me if it was too much destruction for you, you coward. DESTRUCTION!!!!
Lose message:
Jedi Master YODA would be outraged and say: "'You have to be loser' s."'
ACT 1 :   The new Death Star
Soldier, the Empire has a new Death Star, built and is on this barren planet. Fight througt to later destroy the Death Star.
ACT 2 :   The Giants
Now it gets more violent, there are AT-PT's and AT-AT's to you.
ACT 3 :   The Stardestroyer
It is there still a star destroyer and included a bomb that you need enabled only.
ACT 4 :   The general
General Kahn will speak up, go to him, he is ultimaltily your boss.
ACT 5 :   The bounty hunter
A couple of TIE-Intercepter and TIE-Fighter attack. You have to destroythem, but do not worry, You will get air support. Hmmm.... Boba Fet what has to do with it?
ACT 6 :   The Dearth Star
So, now but in time to enter the Dearth Star. Just beware of the teleporter,wich you must use is tightly controlled.
ACT 7 :   Time is ticking
Wow, quick hurry! To the teleporter.
ACT 8 :   The crack in space
Juhuuuuu, you' ve managed to destroy the Death Star. Register now with the General.
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