real flood evolution part three / Analysis

By zzilla
06/14/2011 - 19:29:08

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.88 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome to neers 530 million years ago new species have come to the ocean, and new flood forms.
Win message:
i will have the first infections in the nest one that takes place 20 thousand or 100 million years later. mabye...
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   welcome to neers
this is neers, a planet like earth exept with flood. over 300 thousand years ago the ocean is thriving with species. and new flood...
ACT 2 :   new flood
meat the newbies
ACT 3 :   new land
new land is filled with mysteries go to them
ACT 4 :   get some food
kill that super predator and be able to eat meat
ACT 5 :   done
you still have to maitain your plant diet
ACT 6 :   to leave
explore and when you get bored talk to your species to go
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