Hunted VI, The Storm (V2) / Analysis

By masejobe
06/05/2011 - 22:38:21
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You wake up amongst ashes and bodies... Where are you? The spirit must've brought you here.
You wake up amongst ashes and bodies... Where are you? The spirit must've brought you here.
Win message:
???: A NeW AgE iS CoMiNG, WeAkLinG! YoU ShaLL NoT Be A PaRT oF iT! My ArMy StiRS! We HaVe RISEN!!!Thanks for playing! Please alert me of any bugs in the comments!
???: A NeW AgE iS CoMiNG, WeAkLinG! YoU ShaLL NoT Be A PaRT oF iT! My ArMy StiRS! We HaVe RISEN!!!Thanks for playing! Please alert me of any bugs in the comments!
Lose message:
Ah! You lost. Tackle it later, or try it again! Your choice. Or just abandon the series altogether... Please don't.
Ah! You lost. Tackle it later, or try it again! Your choice. Or just abandon the series altogether... Please don't.
ACT 1 : It Begins
You wake up amongst ashes and bodies. What happened here? And why did the Sephiir ghost drop you off here?
You wake up amongst ashes and bodies. What happened here? And why did the Sephiir ghost drop you off here?
ACT 2 : The Battle
ACT 3 : Cainn
The Venaelton? What could they be up to?
The Venaelton? What could they be up to?
ACT 4 : Cainn:
"'Come on! We've got to find a ship that can take us to the others! We need to warn them!"'
"'Come on! We've got to find a ship that can take us to the others! We need to warn them!"'
ACT 5 : The Redemption
Adraskus: "'What's that sound?! It's coming from the sea!"'
Adraskus: "'What's that sound?! It's coming from the sea!"'
ACT 6 : The Light of Dawn
It's a hologram of Adraskus! And he's got a...Where'd he get that!?
It's a hologram of Adraskus! And he's got a...Where'd he get that!?
ACT 7 : Escape!
"'Get to the Flagship before the entire planet collapses from the inside out! HURRY!"'
"'Get to the Flagship before the entire planet collapses from the inside out! HURRY!"'
ACT 8 : Last Stand
Hordes of angry zealots, menacing whispers, howling winds, and eruptions?Fantastic. Stay alive until Adraskus can beam you up!
Hordes of angry zealots, menacing whispers, howling winds, and eruptions?Fantastic. Stay alive until Adraskus can beam you up!
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