Hunted VI, The Storm (V2) / Analysis

By masejobe
06/05/2011 - 22:38:21

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You wake up amongst ashes and bodies... Where are you? The spirit must've brought you here.
Win message:
???: A NeW AgE iS CoMiNG, WeAkLinG! YoU ShaLL NoT Be A PaRT oF iT! My ArMy StiRS! We HaVe RISEN!!!Thanks for playing! Please alert me of any bugs in the comments!
Lose message:
Ah! You lost. Tackle it later, or try it again! Your choice. Or just abandon the series altogether... Please don't.
ACT 1 :   It Begins
You wake up amongst ashes and bodies. What happened here? And why did the Sephiir ghost drop you off here?
ACT 2 :   The Battle

ACT 3 :   Cainn
The Venaelton? What could they be up to?
ACT 4 :   Cainn:
"'Come on! We've got to find a ship that can take us to the others! We need to warn them!"'
ACT 5 :   The Redemption
Adraskus: "'What's that sound?! It's coming from the sea!"'
ACT 6 :   The Light of Dawn
It's a hologram of Adraskus! And he's got a...Where'd he get that!?
ACT 7 :   Escape!
"'Get to the Flagship before the entire planet collapses from the inside out! HURRY!"'
ACT 8 :   Last Stand
Hordes of angry zealots, menacing whispers, howling winds, and eruptions?Fantastic. Stay alive until Adraskus can beam you up!
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