Project Onett / Analysis

By Fingawing
05/30/2011 - 16:31:48
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Version 0.46: Put in a lot more buildings incl. the Hotel and BakeryLast update: 30/5/11NOTICE: Version 1 will only contain ONETT, not the sea cliff, Ness' house, or Giant's Step.
Version 0.46: Put in a lot more buildings incl. the Hotel and BakeryLast update: 30/5/11NOTICE: Version 1 will only contain ONETT, not the sea cliff, Ness' house, or Giant's Step.
Win message:
Check back regularly for more updates! I hope you will have faith in this project.Sincerely, Fingawing
Check back regularly for more updates! I hope you will have faith in this project.Sincerely, Fingawing
Lose message:
Eh... what did you do to die? Either way, whether you try again or not, I hope you will have faith in this project.Sincerely, Fingawing
Eh... what did you do to die? Either way, whether you try again or not, I hope you will have faith in this project.Sincerely, Fingawing
ACT 1 : Still no Police Station
Version 0.46 So I didn't use a wood panel fence by the Game Corner... sue me :/
Version 0.46 So I didn't use a wood panel fence by the Game Corner... sue me :/
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