Trench Warfare / Analysis

By celreo
05/29/2011 - 13:53:21

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -0.88 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the life of the Trench and go to war with the Jaclegans to stop the Paceruis from takeing over.
Win message:
You have helped the Jaclegans take their land back and push the Paceruis out of their land.
Lose message:
You died in battle for the Jaclegans and now you will never find out who won the battle.
ACT 1 :   Perparing for Battle!
Talk to the captain to learn why we cant break the Pacerui defence.
ACT 2 :   Breaking the line
Break the Pacerui's fornt line.
ACT 3 :   Push the support back
Push their support back from where they came from.
ACT 4 :   Incomeing Tanks
They have called for tank destory them.
ACT 5 :   The Jaclegans have victory!
After a huge battle lifes have been lost but for a good cause so that the Jaclengans can reclaim their land from the Paceruis and you hear the sound of no gun fire now thats a nice sound.
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