Pokémon Adventure; Intro / Analysis

By Rayquaza-Queen
05/24/2011 - 17:09:15

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
So... now the Pokémon Adventure has begin... YOU have turned into a Pokémon... and met a mysterious Pokémon you'r gonna go together with in near future.
Lose message:
Is it so hard?! Just TALK with them!!
ACT 1 :   Whoa!
Where... where the heck am I? Hm...? Whats that? A ball?
ACT 2 :   Weird...
Man... this is like a sick dream or something!
ACT 3 :   Another weird place...
Hm? Whats that thing?
ACT 4 :   The Master of Knowledge?
This is getting weirder and weirder and even MORE weirder... Who the heck is The Master of Knowledge?
ACT 5 :   WHOA?!
Whoa! This place is sure bigger than the other rooms! Wait... I can... see something through the mist.
ACT 6 :   Wow...
That "'Master of Knowledge"' was sure big... but... what did he mean't about that I'm "'The Chosen Human"' to save the Pokémon-world?
ACT 7 :   Holy... where am I?!
Where the heck am I? And Who is that lizard-guy?
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