Spore creature stage / Analysis

By hiigee
05/07/2011 - 19:27:26

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've evolved onto land! You will explore the surface of your home planet, Tamaran and live through the life of this Willosaur!
Win message:
How did you like that? If you did, play my new upcoming 05 Spore tribal stage!
ACT 1 :   Finding food
You are now on land you lock aronde and whait
ACT 2 :   kill!!!!
you are hungrie you go and kill a hopper...
ACT 3 :   Dig in!
You dig your face into the flesh of your kill, but something is... wrong... A Splodey! Go and
ACT 4 :   That time of season...
It's the time of year when Willosaur females are in heat! You must find a female soon, and produce the next generation of Willosaur! Keep an eye(You have three) out for hungry Splodeys though.
ACT 5 :   Mating
You and your mate need to do a dance to mate, and prove that you are a mated pair!
ACT 6 :   Mated
You and your mate have produced an egg that will soon become the next generation of Willosaur!
ACT 7 :   HUH?!
Inside... the egg... Evolving!
ACT 8 :   trible
you are now in the trible stage thanks for playing
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