Hunted V, Realization / Analysis

By masejobe
04/24/2011 - 05:11:44

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
A warm, humid environment teeming with insects and a sinister howling in the distance welcomes you. Won't this be fun?
Win message:
As everything blurs and you return to flesh and blood, your vision darkens until you fall into unconciousness.This is the beginning of your new journey.
Lose message:
How did you lose? This was easy, wasn't it? Try again, or tackle it later, this has VERY important contribution to the plot!
ACT 1 :   Before the Storm
Talk to Aldarius to receive orders, then to Akaylas. Then embark on your mission.
ACT 2 :   The Meeting

ACT 3 :   Where'd He Go?
Xaeorith has disappeared, but at least it's over.
ACT 4 :   Separation
A forcefield just cut you off from Akaylas and now she's on her own against the zealots! You need to help her!
ACT 5 :   Sephiir
What is this place? Are you... dead???
ACT 6 :   Recalling History

ACT 7 :   The Slayers

ACT 8 :   The Beginning

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