Fight contest / Analysis

By iapi4
04/15/2011 - 14:13:12

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the newest invention of the spore empire:Nothing room.
Win message:
You are one of the most powerfull captains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lose message:
It is a very hard adventure!You must be a very good fighter!
ACT 1 :   Begin
Examine that thing to see how will you train!
ACT 2 :   First wave
Very easy challange
ACT 3 :   Second wave
Easy challange
ACT 4 :   Third wave
Medium challange
ACT 5 :   Fourth wave
Hard challange
ACT 6 :   Fifth wave(boss wave)
Very hard chalange
ACT 7 :   You have won!
Congretulations!This was a very hard fight and you won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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