Invasion of Pyxas / Analysis

By odin7
04/08/2011 - 21:22:53

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The invasion of the planet Pyxas is begining. Railguns have all ready bombarded the planet, now you and some paratroopers must attack.
Win message:
The final planet in thesystem has fallen. The next step will be much harder, as you get closer to the center of the Dorganth Empire.
Lose message:
You have lost. Your squad is dead. Try again.
ACT 1 :   Make the Jump!

ACT 2 :   Assult
Charge foreward and kill the defenders.
ACT 3 :   Blow up the Artillary
Blow up those bunkers. Us the bomb near the prisoners. Don't approach directly because the guns will shoot you.
ACT 4 :   Kill the Guards
Take out the guards then talk to a prisoner about a seceret passage.
ACT 5 :   In the Armory

ACT 6 :   Run!

ACT 7 :   Victory
Now Beam up!
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