Hunted III, Nightfall / Analysis

By masejobe
03/21/2011 - 03:14:23

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You climb out of the dropship, and a dark, yet beautiful environment welcomes you. Now you must regroup with Rei'tana's warband without the Venaelton finding you...
Win message:
The Captain has once again escaped a close call, but how long will his luck hold? His next destination is a small colony
Lose message:
As everything turns black, the same happens to the galaxy, as the mysterious threat grows ever stronger, expanding in power, consuming all. Get back up, or let it devour you...
ACT 1 :   Arrival
After many hours in the cramped dropship, you arrive at the world at which Port Brythix lies. Talk to Naiasha, then to the villager.
ACT 2 :   Scouting
Now that Akaylas can use a gun, better scout ahead for any zealots.
ACT 3 :   The Cyonas
Follow the creature. It might want to show you something.
ACT 4 :   Reunion
The Akrilan are under attack! Go talk to Rei'tana and get a sit-rep!
ACT 5 :   A New Ally
Get Akaylas to safety!
ACT 6 :   Safety at Last

ACT 7 :   Corrupted

ACT 8 :   Hunted III

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