Castle Crashers - A Fresh Start / Analysis

By minastrith
03/02/2011 - 20:26:18

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Stop eating and move, Orange! The barbarians are just outside. You can still catch up with my girls if you hurry!
Win message:
You've saved the first princess! Thank you so much! Now you just have to continue running all over the world looking for the rest of them! "'Ohhhh, dang it..."'
Lose message:
No! How could you die, Orange? We need you to face off against that boatload of ninjas!
ACT 1 :   An End to Quaff
Darn. I really liked that ham...
ACT 2 :   Break the Siege
Come on, who wants to drop me some cake?
ACT 3 :   Wooded, um, Woods
They've got the girls into the forest! Don't worry, I'm comin' for ya babes!
ACT 4 :   Mechanicastle
In the middle of the forest? Just give up, you guys.
ACT 5 :   Mind the Gap
Exploding bridge! Exploding bridge! Bad day, bad day, bad day!
ACT 6 :   Tower of Death
Of course, they went up. Fantastic.
ACT 7 :   That's My Girl, Freeloaders!
No way! I did all the work and you are not gonna have her!
ACT 8 :   Job Done Right
You guys will get over it. Be waiting for you when you respawn, suckers!
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