Deep Woods / Analysis

By Megashotpull
02/20/2011 - 09:11:19
Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
explore the plase befor you use it
explore the plase befor you use it
Win message:
well use this any time you want
well use this any time you want
Lose message:
how did you fail
how did you fail
ACT 1 : Landing
You have landed about 270 klicks north of the life signs. Your Detect-a-scope also seems to be picking up some savage primal creatures in the Jungle. Better be careful...
You have landed about 270 klicks north of the life signs. Your Detect-a-scope also seems to be picking up some savage primal creatures in the Jungle. Better be careful...
ACT 2 : Learn what you can
Speak with the Tribals. Seems to be a rather mixed tribe.
Speak with the Tribals. Seems to be a rather mixed tribe.
ACT 3 : Learn the dangers
Speak to the Spirit-Caller of the Tribe about its threats.
Speak to the Spirit-Caller of the Tribe about its threats.
ACT 4 : Learn the Paths
The Millashan Explorer may help you get back to your ship.
The Millashan Explorer may help you get back to your ship.
ACT 5 : Home
Teleporters out the round the back. Its a shortcut, but its definately better than going back the way you came
Teleporters out the round the back. Its a shortcut, but its definately better than going back the way you came
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