Unwanted Redemption (part 1) / Analysis

By Emperor-Leo
02/19/2011 - 16:08:35

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome aboard the famous ship, The Varanda, captained by Captain Polizy! Let's go see if anyone has somthing to say...
Win message:
Part 1 of my new seires! hope you liked it!
Lose message:
Try again, it's not too hard.
ACT 1 :   welcome aboard.
Talk to one of the ship conveiurs.
ACT 2 :   Cleanse the ship!
Take out the trash!! Go to the space-seal door to fight in the vast void of space on the front of the ship. party time!!
ACT 3 :   Listen to the scum's last words!
Worthless stain has somthing to say...
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