Monster Hunter 44 / Analysis

By AdamJohnson38
02/07/2011 - 00:29:09

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the city!
Win message:
Yay! Make sure to play all the Monster Hunter adventures!Inkoseh was in Monster Hunter 5.
Lose message:
You died!? How!?
ACT 1 :   Boss
Talk to the boss
ACT 2 :   Drill Sargeant
Go to the Training grounds and talk to the drill sargeant.
ACT 3 :   Fisherman Joe
Joe is over by the fishing peirs. Go talk to him. He's holding a spear.
ACT 4 :   Spore vs Wild?
Talk to the Spore vs Wild director.
ACT 5 :   Traitor in the woods
Go into the woods like the director said. Be careful not to mistake his tracking dot with the wildlife!
ACT 6 :   WS
That guy dropped a note. It says: ''Thanks for the info, WS!''Find a guy with the initials WS
ACT 7 :   The hills
Meet up with the real traitor in the hills
ACT 8 :   What!?
Inkoseh? He's supposed to be our friend!
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