Mr Muffin's Tall Tales / Analysis
By DragonBurn194
01/30/2011 - 19:42:16
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.26 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Well, that guy wasn't too friendly. Wait! Here comes more people. Get your desperate face on! Major credit to Pat1196 :Warning; :Blood and Gore, Violince, Sexual Themes, Adault Language:
Well, that guy wasn't too friendly. Wait! Here comes more people. Get your desperate face on! Major credit to Pat1196 :Warning; :Blood and Gore, Violince, Sexual Themes, Adault Language:
Win message:
Well a new life is ready for me. Maybe this will work for me we will have to wait and see. (Thank you for playing my first adventure! :P This was sorta an intro to this new character I made.)
Well a new life is ready for me. Maybe this will work for me we will have to wait and see. (Thank you for playing my first adventure! :P This was sorta an intro to this new character I made.)
Lose message:
Did you seriously get beat up by Chuck Norris or that mob? Jeea, no wonder your a @#$%^&<>"'* BUM!
Did you seriously get beat up by Chuck Norris or that mob? Jeea, no wonder your a @#$%^&<>"'* BUM!
ACT 1 : Spare Change?
Sit and beg and take their random insults. You havn't maade a penny and the day is almost over.
Sit and beg and take their random insults. You havn't maade a penny and the day is almost over.
ACT 2 : The Bronze Dogs
Well, here come the police as usual go talk to the officer. Then go back to your pathetic exsistance.
Well, here come the police as usual go talk to the officer. Then go back to your pathetic exsistance.
ACT 3 : Ya Garbage you know that!
Scrap stuff and food at your junkyard home. Yet another normal night.
Scrap stuff and food at your junkyard home. Yet another normal night.
ACT 4 : A New Hope
Chuck Noris runs a blood gang round here selling grass in a bag. Kill him he's got to have money! XD
Chuck Noris runs a blood gang round here selling grass in a bag. Kill him he's got to have money! XD
ACT 5 : TAXI!!!!
Grab that poster and run to the city gates. Your stuff is already in one of them. All taxis leave in 45 seconds!!
Grab that poster and run to the city gates. Your stuff is already in one of them. All taxis leave in 45 seconds!!
ACT 6 : Pick or Die
You only have 20 seconds before all thos taxis leave out the gates. HURRY!!!
You only have 20 seconds before all thos taxis leave out the gates. HURRY!!!
ACT 7 : A New Start
ACT 8 : God damn Check!
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