fedration vs gronian and preoca / Analysis

By parisweasel
01/09/2011 - 21:46:34

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
you have just arrived to assit the federation in taking out an enmy out post to stall the movment of the Gronian army
Win message:
you saved the day not to mation you have ticed off the Gronians so you better wacth your back
Lose message:
try agian pls
ACT 1 :   the camp

ACT 2 :   the first tower

ACT 3 :   the second tower

ACT 4 :   the third tower

ACT 5 :   the fourth tower

ACT 6 :   the camp

ACT 7 :   the staue

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