Hunted I, Gara'los (V2) / Analysis

By masejobe
12/30/2010 - 18:24:56
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
As you land at the investigator's campsite, you see ruins everywhere. Just jungle and ruins.
As you land at the investigator's campsite, you see ruins everywhere. Just jungle and ruins.
Win message:
As the Dropship lifts off, your mind fills with questions. Little do you know of what lies ahead, and what evil you have awakened. Thanks for playing!
As the Dropship lifts off, your mind fills with questions. Little do you know of what lies ahead, and what evil you have awakened. Thanks for playing!
Lose message:
Don't give up! You have a mission to finish! Try again!
Don't give up! You have a mission to finish! Try again!
ACT 1 : Arrival
Ask the investigators about your assignment.
Ask the investigators about your assignment.
ACT 2 : Forest
Discover the fate of the scout team and Professor Yehwan.
Discover the fate of the scout team and Professor Yehwan.
ACT 3 : Prey
You hear something! It's coming for you! Run!
You hear something! It's coming for you! Run!
ACT 4 : ???:
Captain! You don't have much time, and I know you don't know who I am, but I need you to take the Artifact!
Captain! You don't have much time, and I know you don't know who I am, but I need you to take the Artifact!
ACT 5 : Rei'tana
"'Go! Now! We'll explain everything later, but for now, trust us, and GET OUT OF THERE!!!"'
"'Go! Now! We'll explain everything later, but for now, trust us, and GET OUT OF THERE!!!"'
ACT 6 : Get in!
Get into the dropship!
Get into the dropship!
ACT 7 : Nethros
ACT 8 : Hunted
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