The nightmare of Christmas / Analysis

By faunature
12/25/2010 - 03:15:21

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome to america, thank you all of the creators that i worked off or used to create this adventure now get on the train quickly
Win message:
Merry christmas and a happy new year, enjoy the festive season, lets start with a dance, ohh you already did that oh well enjoy the holidays
Lose message:
The elves must have got to you ahh he he don't worry have a merry merry christmas and to all and to all a good night
ACT 1 :   The train station of America
You have bought your tickets so get on as quick as you can
ACT 2 :   The carriage

ACT 3 :   The polar express
Time to get off
ACT 4 :   The elves of death and doom
the the courtyard of santa's ice fortress the elves guard it and kill as a swarm all those who defie them
ACT 5 :   The ice fortress
The ice fortress, whatch out for the elves that shoot arrows at you. You must reach lair of the deadly Santa by the way the piles are his N+N list.
ACT 6 :   Santa's lair
The great throne room of the mighty ice lord Santa, quick steel the goddies and kill the guards while he is sleeping
ACT 7 :   Uh OOh
HE IS WAKING UP ARRRRGH! and he brought guests the easter bunny and the tooth fairy, well this will be a fight to remember
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